This the website of the

Interactive training in the prophetic gifts through Net-Based groups.

Right now - it's happening, just as Peter said, just as the Prophet Joel said, the spirit of God is being poured out, men and women are prophesying, seeing visions, dreaming dreams, and wondering.... is it possible that God could do this in me?

The wonderful truth is.....yes! It is happening to you so that you can be a blessing to His people.

But all too often those who are recieving the outpouring of the Spirit of God are confused about how to use their new gifts. Sometimes their churches can help - but what if the church has no experience with the prophetic gifts - an in some cases even rejects prophecy as being "not for today"?

Acts 2:17 & 18
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." "Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those last days, and they will prophesy."

Prophetic People International
was established to support the development of the prophetic gifts that God is pouring out on His people. Our aim is to provide quality training in the prophetic through regular Chat groups and internationally accredited training materials. Our prayer is that those we train will go back to thier churches, submit to the leadership of their church, and use their gifts to bless the Local Body of Christ.

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